How to Cancel an Order?

If you have just placed an order, received a confirmation email, and it has been within 12 hours since the order was placed, you can follow these steps to cancel your order:

  • Step 1: Go to the email account you used to place the order on our website. Send an email to our support team at
  • Step 2: Copy the following form, fill in the necessary information, and send the email to us.

Subject: I want to cancel order [enter order number from the confirmation email]


Dear Bloom Nestify,

I have just placed an order on your website, but I no longer wish to proceed with this order. Please cancel the order and refund my payment.

Here are my order details:

Email: [enter your email]

Order Number: [enter your order number]

Thank you very much!

  • Step 3: Send the email, and we will review your request and process your refund.

Thank you very much!